
My hours are by appointment only.
I don't accept walk-ins, but please do not hesitate to call and see if I have an available opening. I may be able to fit you into my schedule.
As of 2020, I do have a few rules that I will be following to try to keep everyone, including myself, safe.
- I have received the 2-dose Covid-19 vaccine plus a booster.
- Mask wearing - (updated 7/20/22)
- You wearing a mask during your time in my office is optional.
- If you arrive wearing a mask for your appointment, I will also wear one for the duration of your appointment.
- I do wear a mask while I give a massage. I do that out of caution. Since I am less than arm's length from someone when I give a massage, I wear a mask in case I have unknowingly been exposed to any contagious respiratory infection. I do not always get quick notification from someone who has tested positive for Covid and who has been around me.
- Please text me (717 648 5808) when you arrive for your appointment so I can meet you at the door and let you in. From the outside the door only opens with a key-code.
- I have no waiting room, so I can admit only you for your appointment.
- If you arrive early for your appointment, please text me (7176485808) to see if I can take you earlier than your scheduled time.
My response to Coronavirus COVID-19 Concerns
I have to take even a common cold very seriously, whether I have it or a client comes in with it. If I get it, I am out of business until I am well as I do not want to spread it to customers. I appreciate when customers who are not feeling well, or who have just a cold, cancel their appointment so as not to bring that into my office.
I ask that you not come into my office if:
- you have tested positive for Covid and have not yet had a negative test,
- within the last 24 hours you have had a fever of 100o or higher,
- you now, or have recently had, any respiratory or flu symptoms, sore throat or shortness of breath,
- you now, or have recently had, any chills, muscle aches, new loss of taste or smell, or new rashes or lesions,
- within the last 14 days you have been in contact with anyone who has been diagnosed-with/tested-positive-for COVID-19 or has coronavirus-type symptoms,
- you are experiencing other coronavirus symptoms.
I take great care to provide a healthy space for my clients. I did this before the Coronavirus pandemic, and I will continue to do that. I do ask that clients or potential clients do their part and stay home if you are ill. Please call me to cancel your appointment. My other clients and I thank you for that.
Why choose Comprehensive Massage Therapy?
If you are
looking for relief from chronic muscle aches and pains
you just want a relaxing massage
then come to
Comprehensive Massage Therapy.
If you wish to learn how to massage your mate
then come to
Comprehensive Massage Therapy.
If you are considering on-site chair massage
for employee or customer appreciation,
for home parties or
as a 'thank you' for those helping you move
call to discuss
Comprehensive Massage Therapy
on-site chair massage services.
All of my clocks here
have 60 minutes in 1 hour.
If you are familiar with and have experienced
the benefits of
orthopedic and/or relaxation massage
somewhere else
and your massage ends 10 to 15 minutes
before the amount of time
you are paying for ends
contact Comprehensive Massage Therapy.
(est. 1996)
Phone: (717) 730-9222
Email: kablmt@hotmail.com
Text: (717) 648-5808 (please identify who you are)